Bunions form when uneven amounts of pressure are placed on the joints of your big toes. This uneven pressure causes the joints to turn outward away from the foot, shifting your big toe in the other direction towards your other toes, finally forming an unattractive and usually painful bump.
You can usually diagnose a bunion yourself if you experience the following symptoms:
- Pain in the affected area
- Swelling and inflammation
- Numbness
- Pain underneath the joint of your second toe
Bunions are hereditary, but certain habits and lifestyles can also cause bunions to form on anyone’s foot over time. Repeatedly wearing heels or other shoes that are too tight can lead to a bunion.
Ballet dancers are especially prone to bunions because their pointe shoes are specifically designed so they can shuffle around the stage on their tip toes. This is definitely not a good choice for the sake of your toes and feet.
If measures aren’t taken to stop bunion growth in its tracks, it’s possible the bunion will continue to grow larger and the pain more unbearable. At what point has a bunion become so severe that you should consider surgery?
Bunion surgery is meant to be a last resort. If you’ve experienced any of the following, you may want to consider contacting the Dallas bunion surgeons at Metroplex Foot & Ankle to discuss your options:
Previous Treatments Fail to Ease Inflammation and Pain
- If you’ve already seen a doctor and gone through with their suggested treatment, such as inserts for arch support, shoe pads, or toe spacers, surgically re-aligning your toe joint might be your only option
Additional Foot Problems Continue to Arise
- It’s possible the pressure the big toe exerts on your other toes could lead to corns, calluses, and hammertoes
Pain Becomes Debilitating
- If the pain has grown to the point where it is holding you back from living your normal lifestyle, it’s likely time to consider surgery
By returning your toe to its correct position, bunion surgery relieves inflammation, discomfort and further joint damage. There are several surgical options for successfully treating bunions.
Together, you and your Richardson, Garland or Dallas bunion surgeon will decide which option is best for you, based on the severity of your bunion, the shape of your foot and other existing medical factors, such as arthritis.
Contact your Dallas bunion surgeon at Metroplex Foot & Ankle today to book an appointment.