How Does Chemical Neurolysis Treat Neuromas?
An older form of treatment for neuromas called chemical neurolysis, which involves the chemical destruction of the nerve, has recently come back into practice. In order to safely destroy the nerve this neuroma treatment requires a series of injections containing a mixture of ethanol and a local anesthetic. These injections are given through the area of the neuroma. Nerve tissue has a natural affinity for ethanol and though the ethanol is readily absorbed into the nerve, it is toxic to the nerve tissue. With repeated exposure to this substance the nerve is destroyed. Success rates through this process vary but current reports of success come in at over 60 percent. The injections usually occur at least 10 days apart, due to many insurance plans’ coverage, giving the nerve tissue time to attempt to repair itself. This is the likely cause of a reduced success rate for this procedure.
The disadvantages of chemical neurolysis are the need for repeated visits to the foot doctor’s office and the occasional pain in the area of the injection the following day or two much like any other type of vaccine administration. Though visits may occur often, they are quick and require a minimal amount of time taken off of work in order to receive the treatment at the podiatrist’s office. The overall cost of chemical neurolysis compared to a surgical form of treatment is much more affordable. However, if the chemical treatment for the neuroma fails then surgical removal is the only other option that remains.
Metroplex Foot and Ankle is a progressive group of physicians and surgeons who are committed to helping our patients to achieve their full wellness potential. Contact our Dallas Podiatrist, Garland Podiatrist, or Richardson Podiatrist offices to schedule an appointment today.